
Restaurant Manager Opening and Closing Checklist

Unlock the full potential of your restaurant's day-to-day operations with our definitive Opening & Closing Checklist Template, designed to streamline your workflow and enhance operational efficiency.

A comprehensive Opening Checklist to kick-start your restaurant's operations smoothly every day.

An in-depth Closing Checklist to ensure your restaurant ends the day securely and is set up for success the following morning.

Dive into the essential tool every restaurant manager needs to elevate their establishment's productivity and safeguard operational success.

Download our printable restaurant opening and closing checklist templates to optimize your daily operations, ensure nothing is overlooked, and create consistent shift activities. From pre-opening tasks that prepare your restaurant for the day ahead to closing procedures that need completing before the doors close, this checklist covers it all.

Our template is divided into two detailed checklists: the Restaurant Manager Opening Checklist and the Restaurant Manager Closing Checklist, each tailored to optimize your restaurant's productivity from the moment you open to the final lockup at night.

Restaurant Manager Opening Checklist Highlights:

  • Conduct a thorough survey of the premises to identify any needed repairs or cleanliness issues, ensuring your establishment is welcoming and safe.
  • Review the reservation system and confirm staff shifts to prepare for the day's service.
  • Utilize software to check inventory levels for essential ingredients and supplies, guaranteeing smooth operations.
  • Set the thermostat and verify temperatures for refrigerators, freezers, and equipment to maintain food safety standards.
  • Inspect kitchen cleanliness and equipment status to prevent any hiccups during service.
  • Post daily prep lists for both Back Of House (BOH) and Front Of House (FOH) staff, ensuring efficient workflow.
  • Review the day's menu and special orders, confirming the availability of all necessary ingredients.
  • Manage deliveries and address any discrepancies immediately to maintain inventory accuracy.
  • Verify the accuracy of signage and marketing materials to communicate effectively with your customers.
  • Ensure all point-of-sale systems and cash registers are functioning to facilitate smooth transactions.
  • Incorporate feedback from the previous day to continuously improve service quality.
  • Confirm staff attendance and readiness for the day's service.
  • Conduct a final walk-through to check dining area ambiance, including table settings, music, and lighting.
  • Initiate the day with a brief staff meeting to align goals and motivate your team.

Restaurant Manager Closing Checklist Highlights:

  • Secure all valuables and special order items to prevent spoilage or loss.
  • Ensure all equipment is cleaned and turned off, maintaining a safe and hygienic environment.
  • Supervise cleaning tasks, including prep stations, floors, and storage areas, to uphold cleanliness standards.
  • Manage waste disposal and recycling efficiently.
  • Prepare purchase orders for the next day's inventory requirements.
  • Conclude the day with a staff meeting to review achievements and areas for improvement.
  • Secure all entry points, ensuring the safety and security of your establishment.
  • Turn off lights and adjust thermostats and refrigeration units to energy-saving settings.
  • Complete revenue and sales reporting for financial tracking.
  • Report any maintenance or repair needs to prevent operational disruptions.
  • Set alarms and activate security systems to protect your business.

By integrating our checklists into your daily operations, you're not just adopting a set of tasks; you're embracing a strategy to boost efficiency, improve customer satisfaction, and drive success. Download our restaurant template now to transform your operational processes and achieve unmatched excellence in your restaurant management practices.

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